Professional asbestos testing is required to confirm if there is asbestos toxicity in your home. Illnesses caused by asbestos exposure often take many years to develop, and they can develop in people who spend extended time in asbestos contaminated environments.
If asbestos is found to be present in your home, it should be professionally analyzed, especially if it is in damaged condition. To avoid significant health risks, asbestos removal or asbestos abatement in your home should only be done by a professional asbestos removal contractor.
Asbestos abatement is a highly regulated and specialized process and there are many factors involved. The procedures are more complicated when asbestos and materials containing asbestos are damaged or exposed, or disturbed as a result of renovation or a disaster such as fire or flooding.
At ServiceMaster Restore of Geraldton, our technicians are qualified and fully trained asbestos removal and abatement professionals.
Our services include asbestos assessment and surveying, air sampling and analysis of materials in your home that may contain asbestos such as vermiculite and old insulation products. Our technicians assess the asbestos risks in your home, provide you with the analysis and reports, and then select the most appropriate method of managing the problem. Our specialists will complete asbestos removal procedures in your home in a safe, professional and efficient manner.
Asbestos inspection and analysis of your home may include:
- Air Sampling: to indicate if you have an asbestos problem and determine its severity
- Materials Sampling: to determine the source of the airborne asbestos and confirm with independent laboratory analysis if required
- Assessment of Asbestos: sometimes removal isn’t the best option depending on the condition of the asbestos. In such situations, our technicians will provide you with alternative options